Monday, 25 April 2016

Update and upgrade

U is for Update and upgrade

A-Z Challenge – Apps in April


Time to rest from loading apps and check that all are up to date. Visit the App Store or Google Play to keep your apps up to date in order to benefit from ongoing improvements. Some developers update their apps regularly to take advantage of new software or to rid their apps of bugs. One is well advised to keep up to date to get the best performance from apps.

If you find an app regularly crashes, it may be that it has not been updated to match the latest software. Sometimes deleting an unresponsive app then re-installing it will fix the problem.

It is equally important to upgrade software on your devices. Upgrades enhance performance and will only be installed if your device is able to support the latest version of its operating system. The version currently installed on your device can be viewed in the Settings app.
  • On iOS devices Settings> General> Software Update.
  • On Android Settings> About> System updates.


Mobile devices have a short shelf life with new hardware released regularly by manufacturers, usually in the northern summer. Eventually, your device becomes obsolete and apps no longer function. At the 3 to 4 year mark I would expect to have to upgrade my devices to newer models. One expects that newer devices will have improved processors, more storage space and better overall performance. A needs assessment, price considerations and wide reading of reviews will assist in sensible decision making.

Next up V – Vocal variations

This post first appeared on


  1. I try to keep up with the updates that require some interaction from me. There are some horror stories, so I always hold my breath, but I do it. Feel really lucky to have come through the W10 upgrade unscathed.

    1. Yes for major software installs I tend to wait a couple of weeks until bugs are ironed out. Delighted to have found your blog via the above comment, some fun topics.

  2. I needed that rest, thanks. I have my 'phone set to upgrade only on home wifi and only automatically update a few apps. Every so often I take a look at the list of apps that are due for updating and use the opportunity to delete unloved ones.

  3. I have been following this series with interest. Thanks for all the information. Your upgrade comments are spuring me on to replace my at least 4 year old tablet. It (and you) have given me many hours of information and entertainment.


    1. Ah, but with the new phone you have, perhaps there is no need to upgrade the tablet.


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